On the main page, you can update details such as your name, password, login preferences, two-factor authentication, team membership, and email notifications.
The Sign-in Method section allows you to select how you access your DigitalOcean account. You can choose from the following options:
Email and password
Google SSO
GitHub SSO
To change your sign-in method, click "Change," open the drop-down menu, and select the desired option.
In order to reach your account settings, click the profile icon in the left corner of the control panel.
Located at the top of the Profile tab, the Name section displays the name associated with your account. To update it, you can rewrite your name and you can click on Update Profile button.
Update Your E-Mail
To update your email address, log into your account and navigate to the email update section. Enter your new email in the Your New Email field, then re-enter it in the Repeat Email field to confirm. Click the Update Email Address button to submit the change. You'll receive a confirmation email at the new address—click the link in the email to finalize the update. The change won't take effect until you complete this confirmation step.
Update Your Password
If your account is registered using Google or GitHub Single Sign-On (SSO), you will not be able to update your password through Raff, as shown in the image. Password management is handled directly through your Google or GitHub account settings. To change your password, please update it via the relevant platform (Google or GitHub).
Multi-Factor Authentication
To enhance your account security, you can set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as shown in the image. MFA adds an additional layer of protection by requiring a verification code alongside your username and password when logging in. Click Setup a new Factor to initiate the process and secure your account further with this method.
Deactivate Account
To permanently close your account, you can click the Delete Your Account button. This action will remove all your data and access to the platform, so ensure you’ve resolved any pending actions, such as transferring team ownership or settling outstanding bills, before proceeding. Once deleted, the account cannot be restored.